Winter course 2024 - Somatic Strategies for a Healthier Spine, Mobile Torso

Winter course 2024 - Somatic Strategies for a Healthier Spine, Mobile Torso

from $28.00

Jan 25: Free Up the Patterns of Bracing and Dark Vice.
Thomas Hanna called the pattern that locks down front and back of torso the “dark vice”. Bracing can also include the sides or all of the above. These habituated brain/muscle habits hold the torso and spine captive, and inhibit breath, lymphatic health, all organ systems, and restrict mobility. It’s time to free your torso with gentle, powerful somatic techniques!

Feb 1: Focus on Thoracic Spine, Kyphosis and Scoliosis.
We will address rib cage, thoracic spine in detail with movement and imagery. This is a helpful class for tight ribs, kyphotic spine, scoliosis, and tension and pain in neck and mid torso. Freeing the thoracic area gives more ease to the spine and whole body above and below.

February 8: Face, Jaw, Tongue, Neck, Shoulders and the Cervical Spine.
This class targets common places that stress and tension are held, in the upper extremities and spine. We will educate these muscles towards ease, bringing nourishment to the brain, organs of the skull, neck and your beautiful face, and connect them to your center.

February 15: Many Vectors of the Torso and Spine.
Focuses on details of the entire spine and torso from all angles. We will explore and pandiculate some extra vectors between the ribs and pelvis, and find the connections with the pelvic floor, legs and feet.

Jan 25 - Feb 15

Thursdays at 2 time options:

Class A: 9am London; 10am Oslo/Paris; 11am Helsinki; 7pm Brisbane; 8pm Melbourne.

Class B: 10am Seattle; 11am Denver; noon Nashville; 1pm NYC; 2pm Halifax; 6pm London; 7pm Oslo/Paris; 8pm Helsinki

Classes are 90 min. short discussion, sharing, question time to follow each class. Access to audio recordings available the following day. Recordings are divided into several segments for easier use. Kindly arrive prior to start of class. Zoom link arrives the day before.

Registration must occur 24 hrs in advance if you wish to participate in the live class.

Cost: Single class $28, 4 class bundle $100.

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